Like for every child, their Mom is the best in the world. The same applies to me. Me being the eldest, I should say I have always been her darling... She loves me so much that everytime she hits me or hurts me she crys.. sooo sweet naa.. thats my cute mom...
Let me tell you, my child hood days i was so obedient that my mom every evening would dress me up and i used to stand in the balcony and be there for sometime(my mom used to give me timings to play) and then get back home... you know she never likes me going to other houses and one cannot imagine tha amount of beatings i must have got on various situations. even she doesnot like me gettin close to anyone(hey u know she's very possessive about me) she once even kept me inside house for couple of weeks just because i used to go to my neighbour aunty's house frequently and they liked me a lot...this is when i was 4-5 yrs old.
She always used to do even the small thing for me with utmost care be it getting me dresses and jewellery for me used to be just awesome... she used to get me the best always... slowly this relationship between us bonded as I went to college and started working we were more friends... we did crazy shopping and i took her whereever she wanted.. was nice fun...
but you know wat she has always given me all the love on earth and now I hurt her real bad.. i did what she never expected from me..she cried real bad.. she was terribly hurt... seriously i never wanted to hurt her but unfortunately i did just that.. i wish i have a chance to prove to you mom that I love you and just want to make you happy... i can't think of you ever hating me so pls don't hate me..
Amma, I love you... You are my inspiration.. Atleast I wish I can be a mom like you... I always wanted you to be proud of me always but i know u no longer are.. But I promise i will gain that trust in you again...
I love you Mom... Just Love you..